I have decided that I am not gonna waste another minute (ok I might waste a few...truth is I already have as I typed this) worrying about what other people think. So in honor of this I am sharing an interesting and shocking (read: totally boring and...well...possibly still shocking) Amy fact. Wait for it...wait for it....I hate doing crafts with my kids. Shocked? Blown away by this shocking (boring) truth? I know you are asking, "why would *crafty Amy* hate craft time with her kids? She's so....crafty!" Ummm...no. She's not. Truth is....the mere thought of the mess makes me cringe. And even more than that...no matter how hard you try...no matter how much time you invest...no matter how much love you sprinkle throughout a well planned activity...no matter how hard it was for you to push through to buy that bottle of glitter *shiver*....you still have critics...haters...complainers.
Does this make me a bad mom...no. But putting that out there makes me feel like someone might think that I am. And because of that, I doubt myself and keep trying to be something I am not...which is beyond exhausting!!
I'm learning to just be ok with who I am...all of my imperfections...quirks...strange sense of humor...overthinking EVERYTHING!!...my uncanny ability to make the most normal situation into an awkward moment...ummm *weird awkward silence**birds chirping**crickets rubbing their hind legs on their wings*.......yeah.
So love me or hate me...I am who I am! And that's ok...I think.
You can only be the best you when you start being the real you!~Amy Stull :)
Now please excuse me while I over think the title of this blog and the content of this post. Have a great day and live in the sunshine!!! :)
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