To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
I love all the seasons, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Autumn! The changing of leaves, the relief of the hot summer days, the smells of crisp leaves and apples and cinnamon. Like the changing of leaves, there's been a recent change in my heart: A desire to bring more color and interest into the lives of my children and husband. I have noticed the effects of too little *quality* time spent with each of them. Feeling as though my days were too full to even think about adding anything *extra* to my already full plate. God has been working in my heart...I always love it when He does that because I know something great is about to happen! He has pointed out areas where my time is spent staring at a computer screen, completely detached from those around me. While the computer plays an important part in my daily life: email, my online business, research for home schooling, keeping up with friends and family via Facebook, etc., it has become a time hog. So I created a personal Mon-Fri daily schedule to set specific times to be on the computer and created some special times for my family through out the day!
Here's the new schedule:
6-6:30 Personal Devotions w/a cup of coffee or tea :)
6:30-7 Exercise
7-7:30 Spend time with Randy before he leaves for work
7:30-7:45 Computer
7:45-8 wake kids, breakfast
8-8:30 Morning chores
12-12:30 Lunch and clean-up, *10/10 pick-up, quick check email
12:30-1:00 Story time/Play time
1:00-3:00 Nap/Quiet time (crochet, sew, afternoon chores)
3-3:30 *10/10 pick-up & snack
3:30-4:30 Dinner preparation
4:30-5:30 Randy home, Dinner served, Clean-up, *10/10 pick-up
5:30-7 Free time (family kids with memorization)
7:00-8:00 Family Devotions
8:00-11:00 Children's bedtime, Randy and I alone time :)
11-11:30 Computer time/blog/journal update
11:30 BED!!! :)
*10/10 pick-ups ~ this is a pick-up all the kids take part in 3 times a day. They pick up 10 items through-out the house, then 10 20 items in all per kid!! These clean-up times are the key to a tidy home!
Live in the Sunshine!!